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Battlefield 5's battle royale mode isn't being made by DICE

Battlefield 5's mysterious battle royale mode is being developed by a mysterious studio.

Everyone has been anxious to learn more about Battlefield 5's take on battle royale ever since DICE confirmed the mode is in development at E3 in June.

The developer announced right out of the gate that battle royale won't be available at launch, so it's safe to say it's still early in development. That said, DICE decided to leave a short teaser for battle royale at the end of the Battlefield 5 gamescom trailer, released last week.

Outside of that, we really don't know much else about the mode. This week, however, one EA employee let slip a very interesting detail about Battlefield 5's battle royale.

Global community lead for EA's Star Wars games, Ben Walke, revealed on Reddit that DICE isn't actually working on the Battlefield 5 battle royale mode. Instead, development duties are being handled by a different studio.

"Royale is being made by a different studio, not DICE," Walke said, which would indicate that it's not even being developed by DICE's LA branch, which often provides additional work like post-launch support, as well as development on Battlefield's various add-ons.

The identify of the studio is really anybody's guess at this point, but it's important to note that DICE may simply intend to take over development once Battlefield 5 has been released. Being a Frostbite game, it's also safe to assume whatever studio is currently working on royale is within EA's group.

Battlefield 5 is due for release October 19 on PC, PS4, and Xbox One.

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