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EA Studios boss also had doubts about Battlefield 1 and trench warfare

World War I was not just trench warfare. Can we please move on from this already?


EA Studios boss also had doubts about Battlefield 1 and trench warfare

Battlefield 1 was announced with a trailer full of things that are not just trench warfare, but for some reason we're still hearing a lot of chatter about what a mistake it is to make a game about trench warfare.

DSICE has gone on record multiple times talking about all the interesting things the setting affords , but it's a really sticky idea. So sticky that DICE founder turned EA Studios chief Patrick Söderlund also had it, and in fact rejected DICE's original pitch.

"When the team presented the idea to me of World War I, I absolutely rejected it," he told investors at a recent briefing, as reported by Gamespot.

"I said World War I, it's trench warfare; it can't be fun to play."

The executive later came around to DICE's point of view, obviously, and assured investors that the setting is the right choice.

"If you look at what other partners in the industry are doing, they're going into sci-fi; we've had a lot of success in the modern military space. But we felt like there was a need for a change," he said.

Battlefield 1 launches in October for PC, PS4 and Xbox One.

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