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Aliens: Colonial Marines reviews begin, get the scores here

Aliens: Colonial Marines reviews have landed. Get all of the scores as they happen below.

My appraisal of Gearbox Software's is live now. Check it out here.

Here are the reviews as they happen:

EGM - 9/10
gamesTM - 4/10
Eurogamer - 3/10
The Guardian - 4/5
OXM - 6/10
Digital Spy - 2/5
Polygon - 3/10
OPM - 6/10
CVG - 6.2/10
Gamespot - 4.5/10
El33tonline - 2/5
Edge - 5/10
Gamestalker - 'Bad'
LaPS3 (Spain) - 58/100 - 5/10
Lazygamer - 4.9/10
GamerZines - 58/100
IGN - 4.5/10
Destructoid - 2.5/10
Kotaku - 'No'
The Escapist - 3/5
Gameliner (Dutch) – 2/5 (Italy) – 6/10 - 4/10
All Things Xbox - 8/10
GamingBolt - 8.5/10
Eurogamer Sweden - 4/10

Got a score? Add it in the comments box below and we'll fire it above.

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