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Modder turns Aliens: Colonial Marines into what it should have been

Aliens: Colonial Marines' status as a game has been elevated, thanks to this mod.


Aliens: Colonial Marines was torn to pieces by press and players alike upon launch. The game's promise, shown in pre-launch trailers, was never realised, and everyone was left with a bad shooter, and a bad Aliens game.

One of the game's biggest issues was the Xenomorph AI, which was supposed to be one of its biggest features. Thanks to TemplarGFX's ACM Overhaul, a new mod, a lot of these issues have been fixed.

"Xenomorph's have seen the most work fixing their behaviour and mechanics to make them truly terrifying foes to face, dramatically shifting the tone of the entire campaign," reads the mod's description page.

ACM Overhaul also rebalances Xenomorph, as well as human AI. Further changes to animations, lighting, particle effects, shaders, and more are also introduced.

You can download ACM Overhaul through here, though it's still in-development.

Here's a look at some of the changes in action:

Watch on YouTube

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