250Gb 360 HDD to cost £65 in UK
Xbox Community Manager for the UK Graeme Boyd - aka AceyBongos - has tweeted that the standalone 360 250 Gb HDD will cost £65 when it gets here in the UK on April 16.
And yes, that means the 120Gb HDD, which is to get a price-cut to £80, will be more expensive.
Boyd said in a tweet: "You probably saw the announce of the 250GB Xbox HDD, but just to confirm: It is coming to UK/Europe, RRP is £64.99/99.99 Euro."
He further added: "Lower the pitchforks and douse the torches - the 250GB does come with a data transfer kit. Sorry for the confusion."
We're checking in with Microsoft to see about the price differences with the HDDs.
Thanks, Eurogamer.