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Saints Row 4 denied sale again by Australian Classification Board

Saints Row 4 was re-appraised last week by the Australian Classification Board following its initial refusal of sale. The board has once again - and unanimously - denied the game classification a second time.

Kotaku reports that the game's main sticking point was an alien anal probe weapon that was deemed by the board to veer too close towards sexual assault, as well as drug use.

The site posted an excerpt of the board's second round of findings, which read, "In the Review Board’s opinion, Saints Row IV could not be accommodated within the R 18+ classification as drug use related to incentives and rewards is not permitted."

It should be noted that this second denial of classification applies to the original Saint Row 4 and that publisher Deep Silver and Volition Inc are working on a "safe" version that should rectify the board's concerns.

We'll update you once the new version has been finished and appraised by the Classification Board.

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