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Wolfenstein: Youngblood hotfix closes Cheat Engine currency exploit

Bethesda released a PC hotfix for Wolfenstein: Youngblood yesterday, killing the ability for users to use Cheat Engine to gain in-game currency.

The hotfix for Wolfenstein: Youngblood makes its so those using the Cheat Engine can't farm in-game currency on PC.

In the game, you earn Silver which can be used to upgrade your equipment. Using Cheat Engine, players were able to earn the currency without having to work for it, bascially.

As PC Gamer notes, the use of such things is against the game's EULA, and highly frowned upon.

Notes for the hotfix have not been released as press time, but players have reported the update on reddit and on the Bethesda forums.

The game was released last week, and reviews are mixed. You can read our review of Wolfenstein: Youngblood at the link.

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