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Tomonobu Itagaki has some thoughts on low Devil's Third review scores

Tomonobu Itagaki, best known for his work on Dead or Alive and Ninja Gaiden, has taken to Facebook to ponder whether the multiplayer portion of his latest game is being properly evaluated in reviews.


The reviews of Itagaki's new Wii U release have been resoundingly negative. While Itagaki concedes that some of the criticism is "constructive and fair", he wonders whether reviewers, who had early access to the game, did not get the full experience when testing out the game's multiplayer mode.

"In general, I'm going to guess that most of the people reviewing the game weren't given a chance to evaluate it properly", he says. "Just as one example, we designed the online multiplayer mode to be enjoyed together with tons of people, but it seems dozens of reviewers were only allowed to try the game in a closed environment."

"That's extremely unfortunate for everyone involved. As you can imagine, no one can effectively evaluate the playability of multiplayer games under these conditions."

The full post is available on his Facebook page.

There are plans to release the multiplayer portion of Devil's Third onto PC later this year as a 'free-to-start' title.

Thanks, Gamespot.

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