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Devil's Third reviews - all the scores in one place

Devil's Third has been a long time coming. What's the critical verdict on Tomonobu Itagaki's first independent project?


Devil's Third received very high review scores from Japanese magazine Famitsu, to the astonishment of those who've been tracking its progress. The project started at THQ as a multi-platform last-gen release, before forging on with independent funding when the publisher closed, and finally ending up as a Wii U exclusive with a free-to-start PC multiplayer spin-off.

Along the way it has changed engines a couple of times, which is always a worry, and previews over the past few months have not been kind. There was even some doubt Nintendo of America would release it at all.

Famitsu's assessment had us wondering if maybe we'd been led astray, but western critics have been nowhere near as enthusiastic, as you'll see below. Not that many English-speaking sites have reviewed the game, and I guess it's always worth noting that you may love a game even when critics go to town on it.

All scores out of ten except where noted. Leave us a comment with any more you've seen.

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