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Today in legitimately heartwarming news: No Man's Sky fans purchase billboard space to thank the developers

Good news - a nice thing happened.

After a rocky launch, No Man's Sky has been in a pretty good place for a while now thanks to the No Man's Sky Next update, which dramatically improved the game in numerous ways.

The game's fans have been paying attention, and the developers at Hello Games, in turn, have been thankful to their community - a fan film earlier this year clearly touched Sean Murray's heart.

And now, some enterprising fans of reddit have come together to purchase a billboard spot to thank the team for all their hard work.

The money comes from a GoFundMe, which, at the time of writing, has earned $2,593 of its $1,750 goal in under a day.

"The funds will be used to print and install a billboard in Guildford UK, within walking distance of the Hello Games LTD office", the page reads.

"A portion of the funds will also be used to buy a case of beer and lunch for the team."

The billboard will go up from August 12, and will remain up for two weeks. According to the page, founder Cam G is open to submitting a better design than the simple one he has crafted.

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