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THQ: Kinect/Move development provides cheap alternative to core games


Jumping up and down and waving your arms about like a lunatic/horrifyingly happy family is hard.

Developing a game where you do that, however, is not.

"They are more mass-market type games. The cost of games for Kinect and Move is a fraction of what it is for the stuff we showed for you on the screen [Red Faction: Armageddon and Homefront]," THQ CEO Brain Farrell said during the Goldman Sachs Communacopia Conference in New York.

"They are just simpler forms of game where it's more based on your movement and the input device; not on fantastic art and very complex animations. That's the other reason we like those two products – the cost of development is much lower than for the other core products."

For the sake of your brand new Move controller that's already trying on fashionable winter coats of dust, we sure hope other developers don't share THQ's mentality.

Thanks, Eurogamer.

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