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There is one place where Wii U is outselling PS4

No, this isn't a joke. The Wii U is indeed selling more units than the PlayStation 4, and it has been doing so for two weeks in a row.


That place is Japan, according to the Media Create charts for the week of Jun 30 to Jul 06, Nintendo's console has sold 9,961 units this week and 10,653 units last week, overtaking PlayStation 4's 7,876 units and 8,059 units for the same weeks.

Interestingly, the Wii U had only one game in the top 20, Mario Kart 8, which had sold 9.386 units that week and 512.223 units to date in the region. Which actually exceeds Nintendo's own estimates. Though this number was based on an earlier date.

Despite losing to the Wii U, PlayStation 4 had three games in the top 20, all of which totalled just above Mario Kart 8's number for the week.

Nintendo's lead could be explained by the lack of interesting software currently available on PlayStation 4, that and Mario Kart 8, everyone loves Mario Kart.

Thanks, NeoGaf.

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