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Sony reiterates The Last Guardian isn't ready for prime time just yet

Sony has once again reiterated The Last Guardian is not ready to be shown, and that it will talk more about it when the times is right.

It's gotten to the point to where the only news worth reporting on this game would be an admission development has switched to PlayStation 4 or that it's time to show the game in general.

That being said, at least Sony is still willing to talk about the game, even if only to state the same thing over and over again. Surely they are getting tired of being asked about it at every gaming convention, but damn it, people want to know right?

Speaking Eurogamer at gamescom 2014, Sony Worldwide Studios boss Shuhei Yoshida told the site not to expect the game to be shown at TGS in September. It will be shown off when Sony is good and ready to do so.

"I cannot confirm any timing because we are waiting for it to be in a state where we are happy that this is the game," said Yoshida. "We have a certain time frame in our mind, and the team is making great progress, but still not to the point that we can say that, here you go."

Yoshida said technical issues on PS3 caused issues, but at one point, things were going well; thus the original 2011 release announcement.

"That was a mistake," Yoshida continued, "but at one time it was looking possible. It has been totally re-engineered. They're still working on it. I've been seeing the progress."

At least Sony has a timeframe in mind. Hopefully, it will share something with the public sometime before the rapture.

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