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The Division - inspiration behind the game's graffiti explored in new video

If you enjoy stopping to look at the graffiti scattered around The Division, you might be interested in the inspiration behind it.


The Division - inspiration behind the game's graffiti explored in new video

In this developer video, Ubisoft Reflection's authenticity coordinator of visual identity, Amr Din, discusses how exploring various real-world areas inspired some of the graffiti seen in the game.

Din has visited many different locations over the years, and finds the different art, tags and other images he's encountered provide a look into others' lives. It allows one to get to "know people without having to experience, directly, their life."

"It changes your worldview,” he said. "I think The Division is perfect for that, it really taps into the peoples vision of hope, despair.

"You have this society that was on top of the world suddenly crumbled, and now it’s not about killing people or being the best, it’s about helping the people around you and helping society. And I think that’s what I appreciate about The Division, it’s very in line with the work that I do outside of my job.”

The video is a really interesting look at the creative side of the game, and it takes you to a couple places you'd probably want to steer clear of in real life. You know, just in case.

Ubisoft Massive detailed some of the big changes coming with update 1.2 for The Division earlier today. A release date hasn't been provided, but it's expected sometime this month.

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