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Tesco sending out Saints Row 2 order cancellation emails

The VG247 logo in white on a red background
Image credit: VG247

Tesco is now informing all those who took advantage of the seemingly fantastic deal of Saints Row 2 PS3 for £15.97 that the order is cancelled.

The mail reads:

Dear Mr -------,

We are sorry to inform you that we have not been able to obtain an item in your order.

Don't worry, we won't charge you for this item, but this may affect some of the promotions in your order.Your new order summary is shown at the foot of this email.

The item that we were unable to obtain is:

1 x Saints Row 2
Cancelled on Tuesday 14 October 2008

We apologise that we have been unable to fulfil every item in your order on this occasion, but hope that you will return to shop with Entertainment in the future.

Kind regards, Entertainment

It was bound to happen in the end after the retailer raised the price to £39.97 earlier this morning.

Bet they could "obtain the item" for those who paid fourty quid for it.

Thanks, ecu.

By Mike Bowden

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