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Sony confirms that Crash Bandicoot is still owned by Activision

Activision does indeed still hold the rights to Crash Bandicoot.


Sony confirms that Crash Bandicoot is still owned by Activision

Following the discovery of a rather nifty Easter egg in Uncharted 4 - that you can read more about here if you don't mind spoilers - Sony has clarified that the rights to Crash Bandicoot haven't made their way back to them.

The confusion arose after players claimed that the Uncharted 4 credits didn't mention Activision, and as you may have already surmised, the Easter egg is Crash Bandicoot related, so people took this as a sign that perhaps Crash was back with Sony.

PlayStation's Adam Boyes took to Twitter to confirm that the rights were still with Activision, but even now there are still people doubting that he's being straight on the matter, hoping for an E3 surprise.

Activision seem to have no plans for a Crash Bandicoot game any time soon.

Do you think Sony are playing dumb, waiting for a big reveal at E3? Or are people taking this all out of context? Chime in below.

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