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Redfall story trailer explains how the town became overrun with vampires

Never trust rogue scientists backed by an evil corporation.

Bethesda and Arkane Austin have released a story trailer for Redfall that tells the tale of how vampires came to rule over the sleepy Massachusetts island town.

After a failed scientific experiment at Aevum HQ, a legion of vampires invaded the town and cut it off from the outside world.

What is happening in the town of Redfall? Watch the trailer to find out!

Since the experiment changed some folks into vampires, people have gone missing; dead bodies and blood are everywhere; the sun has been eclipsed; and vampires rule the town as gods.

In the game, you will choose from one of four survivors who must save the town of Redfall by slaying the vampires and their human collaborators.

Redfall is slated for release on May 2, and will be made available on PC, Xbox Series X/S, and Game Pass.

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