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Red Dead Redemption 2 trailer screens will help you appreciate all the little details

The Red Red Redemption 2 reveal trailer may have been very short, but it was full of little moments that can each be made into a wallpaper.


Rockstar dropped the first trailer for Red Dead Redemption yesterday, as promised. The trailer was short, 1-minute short. It featured only a couple of lines of dialogue, and was mostly about setting atmosphere.

In that regard, it's a winner. So much so that if you went through it frame-by-frame, you'd end up with quite a few amazing shots. That probably was Rockstar's intention, seeing as it'll be a while yet before we get any actual gameplay footage.

Reddit user has gone ahead and saved you the trouble and captured screenshots of all the scenes in the trailer. He even added the game's logo to so some of them.

You see them all in the gallery below:

Red Dead Redemption 2 is out fall 2017.

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