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The real-money auction house doesn't appear to be making a return in Diablo 4

The real-money auction house apparently won't be making a return in Diablo 4.

Blizzard is trying to avoid mistakes it made with Diablo 3 in Diablo 4, starting with the real-money auction house.

Speaking with Polygon, Blizzard said the auction house 'wasn’t a feature they’d go back to,' but trading will still be enabled.

According to executive producer Allen Adham, there are "a lot of great elements to trade," if it's "done in a contained way."

"We’ve got some pretty solid ideas on how to make trade viable without letting it disrupt the game," Adham told Polygon.

At present, it appears players will trade with others while in town, or through loot distribution from a guild leader.

In 2012, Blizzard said it implemented the Auction house into Diablo 3 because players like to trade for real money. The Auction House was added so that players wouldn't have to buy items from other players outside of the game.

The Auction House allowed players to sell gems, dyes, crafting materials, gear, and other items. Eventually, the ability to trade for in-game gold was added. Blizzard also took a cut off real-world transactions in the game.

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