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Randy Pitchford on Wii U: 'GamePad is Nintendo's best hardcore controller yet'

Nintendo's Wii U GamePad has had its FPS praises sung by Gearbox Software head Randy Pitchford. The developer has been discussing the Wii U edition of Aliens: Colonial Marines in a new interview.

Speaking with Joystiq, Pitchford said, "This is the best controller Nintendo's ever made for making an FPS. This is the best controller Nintendo has ever given us for playing hardcore games."

Pitchford also expressed his love for touch screen devices, and praised Nintendo for sticking to its guns, "With the Wii U they (Nintendo) committed themselves to this promise. So the link is direct, fast and immediate. Things like SmartGlass and Vita, they appreciate the value of the promise so they're making the promise. But they're not in with such commitment".

Thanks ONM.

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