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Prey 2: Portals and gravity puzzles are out, originality is in - dev explains

Human Head co-founder and Prey 2 project lead Chris Reinhart has stated that the portals and gravity puzzles of the first game have made way for fans to "experience something new in the world".

Speaking at Bethesda's recent showcase event, Reinhart explained how the the team wanted to recreate the originality of the first game, without reusing the same old tricks.

"That was a big thing with Prey," he said. "We took players to The Sphere and gave them gameplay they hadn't seen before in a first-person shooter, although afterward I had a number of people come up and talk to me and say, 'This is interesting, why has someone not done this before in a game?' We want the exact same thing with Prey 2.

"When people see this and they play the open world shooter we've created, using the different gadgets and player abilities, I want people to come up to me afterward and say, 'This is interesting, why did someone not do this before?'"

Reinhart went on to explain that this push for originality has extended to the character design too, with Cherokee Domasi "Tommy" Tawodi being ditched as a playable character - though still featuring in Prey 2 in some capacity - in favour of new avatar Killian Samuels, a sheriff and prison guard who is able to perform Parkour-inspired moves like those seen in Mirror's Edge.

"We still keep Tommy in the game and we wanted to explore other parts of the universe," Reinhart explained.

Prey 2 is due for release on PC, Xbox 360 and PS3 in 2012. Screenshots can be found elsewhere on the site as well as hints about Human Head's plans for Prey 2 DLC.

Thanks, Eurogamer.

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