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Prey 2 "in limbo", says Human Head

Prey 2's troubled development status has been further muddied by an enigmatic comment from Human head designer Nathan Cheever.

"By the way, Prey 2 hasn't been officially canceled, only in limbo," the developer tweeted.

Clarifying the comment, Cheever later said it's "nothing new", as Bethesda had confirmed the title is "on hold" for "quality reasons".

Presumably, the designer was referring to the publisher's April announcement that the game had been pushed back for not meeting standards. However, Bethesda had not made any suggestion that development had ceased or stymied, merely that it was taking longer than expected, making Cheever's comment somewhat concerning and likely to re-ignite rumours of contractual problems between the two companies.

Bethesda's keeping quiet on the issue, although it recently re-confirmed that the first-person effort had not been cancelled.

Thanks, CVG.

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