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Marvel and Sony break world record for largest gathering of costumed Spider-Men

At Stockholm Comic Con, Marvel and Sony gathered over 500 people to break a silly, but fun Spider-Man world record.

Marvel's Spider-Man is already breaking all kinds of sales records, but apparently that wasn't enough for Sony. The studio wanted to go even bigger, and took aim at a Guinness World Record: the largest number of costumed Spider-Men gathered in one place.

And so, at Stockholm Comic-Con, Marvel and Sony arranged to 547 to arrive at a promotional photo shoot for the Spider-Man video game. The effort was a complete success, as Marvel chief editor C.B. Cebulski proved by sharing a photo from the event. (Thanks, .)

Given the number of Spider-Man fans out there, 547 seems like an easy record to break eventually. But credit where credit's due, this sounds like a fun way to spend a photo shoot. Maybe next time the publisher can include other costumes from the game?

Don't forget to check out our ongoing Spider-Man coverage!

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