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Kojima Productions can be "more edgy" now that it's indie

Hideo Kojima and his long-term collaborators are looking forward to being their own Big Bosses.


Having left Konami, Kojima has launched a new, independent version of Kojima Productions and signed a console exclusivity deal with Sony.

The lauded director is joined by producer Ken Imaizumi and artist Yoji Shinkawa, both of who made significant contributions to the Metal Gear series. But that doesn't mean we'll see more of the same from the closely-knit development crew; having gone indie, the new Kojima Productions intends to spread its wings.

"We’ll have more agility. We’ll be able to do things that are more edgy, preserving the quality we’ve had so far, while at the same time finding new challenges and exploring new areas," Kojima told IGN in an interview.

Kojima, who at 52 years of age has spend 30 years in the games industry, described the change as a "new start".

"I am very confident. I’ll keep creating games until the day I die. Rest assured I’m making more games, something more fun, something you haven’t seen," he said.

Interestingly, Kojima also said the studio is interested in producing movies, animations and other digital content, "but first" he has to do what people expect of him: games.

"That’s where I want to put my focus. Once we have an established IP in games, something solid that satisfies people, then we can consider movies and videos," Kojima said.

The full interview contains plenty more to delight the hearts of Kojima fans everywhere, as well as contributions from other KojiPro veterans.

I'm interested to see what Kojima does next, especially with Sony's loving support, although I can't say I'm in love with the way Metal Gear transitioned into modern gaming; but I'm definitely in the minority there.

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