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Hideo Kojima exits Konami, signs with Sony for new PS4 exclusive

Hideo Kojima has taken his team indie and signed up to produce a new PS4 exclusive.

The Metal Gear Solid creator must have looked like catnip to PlayStation, having finally parted ways with Konami.

Sony Computer Entertainment boss Andrew House broke the news in a press release and video statement today, in the wake of a leak overnight.

Kojima appeared in the video, confirming he has founded his own independent studio, and that the first title from the new team will be exclusive to PS4.

Although House referenced the importance of Metal Gear Solid to PlayStation's history, Kojima's comments make it clear he's embarking on a new franchise.

Konami has also issued a Japanese press release confirming Kojima's departure, and Kojima posted statements on both his Japanese and English language Twitter feeds.

You can check out the new studio's website here; the "Kojima Productions" name is going with the creator, which explains why Konami renamed its internal development crew and started removing branding.

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