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Kojima: KP keen to make another home console title


Speaking in the latest issue of Famitsu, Hideo Kojima has spoken of his studio's interest to make another title for the home consoles.

Already, Kojima Productions has Metal Gear Solid: Rising in the works for PS3 and 360, but the legendary dev said the studio is ready to develop another.

Just say it's Zone of the Enders 3 already. We want it so bad.

The exec also said this year will be "the year of Peace Walker," despite the game's recent delay in Japan.

Kojima has also mentioned how the PlayStation Motion Controller - rumoured to be named Arc - Natal and 3D will make a big impact in 2010.

"2010 will be an extremely important year for the game industry. There's the PlayStation 3 Motion Controller and Xbox 360's Natal," he said.

"I believe 3D televisions will become the future standard, so game direction should change greatly."

Peace Walker is due for a release on May 25 and May 28 in the US and UK respectively for PSP.

As for Rising, that's gone dark until E3.

Thanks, Kotaku and Andriasang.

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