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Kane & Lynch 2 has 1000 Achievement score, 52 Trophies


IO Interactive has released the amount of Trophies and the Achievements score you can earn in Kane & Lynch 2: Dog Days.

We've listed the types below, and the full list of each can be found over on CinemaBlend.

Kane & Lynch 2 is out on August 17 and 20 in the US and UK, respectively, and those who play on PS3 can get their hands on the demo whether they're PS+ subscribers or not.

The PC and Xbox 360 demo will be out next week for everyone else.

PS3 Tropies

  • Combined - 52
  • Bronze - 42
  • Silver - 5
  • Gold - 4
  • Platinum - 1

Xbox 360 Achievements/Gamescore

  • Combined - 1000
  • Story - 525
  • Co-op - 95
  • Arcade/Multiplayer - 380

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