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Heroes of the Storm leak outs Chromie, Medivh

Two more Warcraft characters are joining the ranks of Heroes of the Storm.


Heroes of the Storm leak outs Chromie, Medivh

A new Heroes of the Storm video went live earlier today, apparently ahead of schedule, and was rapidly pulled.

Blizzard wasn't quite quick enough, since Reddit users, Blizzard Watch and myriad other sources hoovered up all the details.

World of Warcraft characters Chromie and Medivh were announced, confirming earlier leaks and whispers. Take it with a pinch of salt until official announce, of course, but plenty of screengrabs and corroborating reports make it pretty compelling.

Several new skins were also revealed: Fel Chromie, KnightOwl Medivh, Eagle Eye Tyrande, and Widowmaker (Overwatch) Nova. Fel Billie, Elemental Wolf and Epic Elemental Wolf mounts showed up, too. The KnightOwl and Eagle Eye skins are comic book references, apparently, while Fel Billie is a goat.

Expect Blizzard to re-release the trailer with more information soon. You can't blame the developer for being a little bit distracted at present, as the Overwatch beta and launch build up is probably sucking a lot of air out of the room in Blizzard HQ.

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