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Half-Life writer Marc Laidlaw has retired from Valve

Half-Life writer Marc Laidlaw has announced his retirement from Valve.


According to emails sent between Laidlaw and a fan, his retirement wasn't a secret between himself and friends. It just wasn't widely known publicly.

First reported as a rumor, Gamespot has confirmed the information contained in the email exchanges are legitimate.

"Yes, it is true. I, Marc Laidlaw have retired from Valve," he told reddit user TeddyWolf in one email exchange.

"I am no longer a full or part-time Valve employee, no longer involved in day-to-day decisions or operations, no longer a spokesperson for the company, no longer privy to most types of confidential information, no longer working on Valve games in any capacity.

"I had a good run but lately I have been feeling a need for a break from the collaborative chaos of game production, and a return to more self-directed writing projects."

Laidlaw went on to say he wanted to return to his roots as he's a sci-fi writer, and "see where that takes" him.

TeddyWolf had reached out to Laidlaw to fish for information on Half-Life 3, but the writer wasn't forthcoming with any information.

"Where Valve may choose to take Half-Life in the future is not in my hands," he said. "I have been a grateful co-creator, but my time working on the series is behind me."

Half-Life 2: Episode 2 was released in 2007 and word regarding Half-Life 3 development has been next to nothing, other than a few hints here and there by Valve, and many a rumor started online and tons of speculation on whether it will ever see the light of day.

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