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Gearbox - Unreal makes Wii U ports "easier"

Gearbox didn't receive its Wii U development kits until a few months before E3, but got Aliens Colonial Marines working pretty quickly thanks to the flexibility of the Unreal Engine.

"We didn't get the hardware for the Wii U until a couple of months ago, and we've been working on it since," producer Brian Burleson told VideoGamer.

"The software, it's pretty easy to work on, so that makes things a lot easier. When you already have something working, especially on the Unreal Engine, it's a pretty basic, straightforward port at that point. Unreal makes it easier to do that, for sure."

Although Burleson wouldn't be drawn on the Wii U's tech specs - Ninty must have a pretty awesome NDA in place this time - he did hint that the new console will be on a level with other versions of the game.

"The goal is always to make it... for all the platforms to be the same. It really sucks to have a game be nerfed on one platform, or missing a feature on one platform. So the goal is always to make we're fully-featured, and that everything is the same experience. [Colonial Marines] runs on the console, and you can do some really cool stuff with it."

Aliens Colonial Marines is due on PC, PlayStation 3, Xbox 360 and Wii U in the northern spring of 2012.

Thanks, Play.

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