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How weapons and traps work in Fortnite

Fortnite, Epic's long awaited new game, is starting to take form and make sense.


Fortnite is a survival game in which players band together and build forts by day in order to survive assault by monsters at night.

It's not just a matter of throwing up a dirt wall, though; you need to man the ramparts, fighting off the enemy, and fill your defensive lines with deadly traps in order to take down those who inevitably breach your choke points.

As ever, the more you know, the better you can prepare. In the latest Fortnite Live video, systems designer Cameron Winston discusses how weapons and traps work. Watch, listen and learn.

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If you're interested in having a go at Fortnite, sign up for the alpha. The PC exclusive is free-to-play, and expected to launch properly this year, having been announced way back in 2011.

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