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Final Fantasy XIV 2.0 may take in locations from past games

Final Fantasy XIV producer Naoki Yoshida has teased the possibility of the MMO allowing players to visit famous locations from other games in the franchise.

"When we announced Final Fantasy XIV version 2.0, you may have noticed the crystal tower, which some people might recognise from a previous Final Fantasy game," Yoshida hinted in an interview on the Square Enix blog.

"Because Final Fantasy XIV is an MMO, it's a great opportunity for players to feel and experience the Final Fantasy universe 365 days a year. I really want to make the most out of the franchise's history. Not many other games have this incredible history, so I'd like to put as much of that as possible in this game.

"Not only by using ideas, objects and locations from older Final Fantasy games, but also by adding new things to the universe. I have a lot of plans, so please look forward to finding out what I have in mind."

Following a dire release, Final Fantasy XIV is re-launching with a thorough overhaul as version 2.0. Subscription fees will be re-introduced, and the new engine will finally permit the long-delayed PlayStation 3 launch in Q3 2012.

Thanks, Siliconera.

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