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Don't worry, Fallout: New Vegas is still canon, despite what the show might make you think

Besides, canon doesn't matter that much anyway!

Fallout (2024) - Prime Video
Image credit: Prime Video

Prime Video's Fallout show has mostly gone down well with fans, though there are some that are wondering if New Vegas is still canon.

The Fallout show finally released earlier this week, and in general it's been received very positively by both critics and fans - our own Alex enjoyed the show so much he installed both Fallout 4 and New Vegas, which should tell you how he feels about it. However, some story beats have left certain fans wondering if the beloved and Obsidian-developed New Vegas is still canon. It's somewhat understandable as the show doesn't make it the clearest just when it's set, and there is a moment that I won't spoil (it's not even been a week, we can hold off on spoilers) that at first glance seems it might have radically changed the canon of New Vegas.

If you're a New Vegas lover, though, you don't have all that much to worry about. Bethesda design director Emil Pagliarulo was asked pretty directly by a fan on Twitter whether the RPG was canon or not, with the developer responding quite plainly "Of course it is. We've never suggested otherwise." In fact, Pagliarulo even outlined the key dates of when each of the games are set, and the show is set furthest in the future. New Vegas is set in 2281, but the show is set a ful 15 years later in 2296, meaning anything that might have happened in that time should make sense.

For the most part though, it seems like fans are pretty excited about the show. There's already a mod for both Lucy's backpack and her unique pistol for one. Bethesda has even given everyone an excuse to jump back into Fallout 4, as there's a next-gen update coming later this month that will give the PS5 and Xbox Series X/S versions of the game a little boost.

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