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Fallout 4 launch caused a dip in Pornhub traffic among gamers

Topping the sales chart is just one way Fallout 4 showed its strength. Stealing people away from watching porn is another.


Pornhub, probably the only site interested in reporting its relation with gamers, has revealed that Fallout 4's launch day saw a traffic slump for the site. Pornhub told GamesBeat traffic among gamers was down 10% on November 10.

"We can’t say we’re too surprised with what happened to our traffic during peak gaming hours," Pornhub vice president Corey Price said.

"Based on the data, it looks like a huge surge of people decided to indulge in some wasteland wandering by taking the day off of work and school to play, while the rest of the world had to wade through what we assume were the longest hours of work ever in anticipation of some alone time with their consoles."

Here's the graph showing the dip, which Price said he completely understands is a result of the highly-anticipated game hitting store shelves.


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