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Fallout 4 Deluxe Bluetooth Pip-Boy is way better than yours

Fallout fans may be a bit cranky about this.

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Fallout 4 Deluxe Bluetooth Pip-Boy is way better than yours

Remember how Fallout 4 came in a limited edition with a Pip-Boy replica? And it was very expensive, and difficult to order because stock kept running out or even being cancelled, sell-on prices went through the roof - and then it arrived and we all realised we'd been breaking our hearts over a plastic phone mount that didn't fit our devices?

Oh boy, there's no way that could happen again, right?

Bethesda has partnered with ThinkGeek to produce a new Pip-Boy replica smartphone mount and it is pretty swish-looking. Instead of just holding your phone on the wrist, it's an actual functional device - many of the switches and dials have functions thanks to Bluetooth support. You can answer your phone on it, for example.

If you don't fancy wearing it, you can pop it on its RobCo charging and display stand and use it as an alarm clock. Just remove the included holotape which cunningly disguises a USB stick, and load it up your favourite get-out-of-bed jam.

Fancy it? Well, you'll have to wait for November, you'll need a Canadian or US shipping address, and you'll have to fork over a whopping $350. But what price love? You cry, flinging your credit card at the screen. Yes, we all have our weaknesses.

There was plenty of other news at Bethesda's E3 2016 conference, and the E3 2016 headlines just keep comin'.

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