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EVE gambling site robbed of 125 billion ISK


EVE gambling website SOMER.Blink has lost 125 billion ISK to an inside job.

The thief, Daquaris of Test Alliance Please Ignore, had access to a stash of ISK, PLEX and items as part of his role with the site, which was delivering prizes to Blink winners.

Daq explained in a chat-log on EVE News that the mechanics of the theft were pretty much child's play.

"There were a lot of assets in the hangar. I had the roles to take them. Control-A and Drag to my hangar," he said.

"Additionally I cleaned out the payouts wallet, for about 20 billion ISK, which is a little lower than it normally is."

SOMER.Blink corp member Andrev Nox commented: "The theft was an eventuality we were prepared for. We certainly didn't expect it from Daq, obviously, but we expected it might happen eventually. The main wallet was regularly cleared to a separate corp's wallet as a 'rainy day' fund. Because of that, Blink is still fully solvent, solid, and functional. Somer has [been], and always will be, an incredibly generous and good friend to all of us. Had Daq asked for exactly the things he had stolen, Somer would have given them unflinchingly, without a doubt. Blink can always earn more ISK, it's the loss of someone we trusted as a valued part of the business, and a long time friend."

Piracy and theft is part of EVE's make-up, but big busts are on the increase: 30 billion ISK was lost in a suicide attack last month, and a record-breaking 850 billion ISK was thieved from players in an investment scam in September.

Thanks, Massively.

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