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Be careful, because playing PvP in Diablo 4's hardcore mode can result in permadeath

Sounds painful.

If you're planning to try out PvP in Diablo 4 during a hardcore mode playthrough, be careful, because if you die, that's the end for that character.

Hard game modes aren't for everybody, and Diablo 4's hardcore mode certainly won't be either. That's not just because the game will be tougher than normal though, as Diablo 4's global community development director Adam Fletcher confirmed that playing in PvP on hardcore mode will mean you have permadeath to worry about (thanks, PCGamer). Fletcher responded to a question from a fan asking, "if you're playing hardcore and you die in PvP, is it permadeath or…?" responding with a simple "Permadeath."

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Thankfully Fletcher did clarify just a smidge more, as he said that if you die in PvP while playing in hardcore mode, "you will have to make a new character." If any of you are worried because you want to play on hardcore but don't want to lose your character, don't worry, as Fletcher also clarified you can avoid the Fields of Hatred, the area where PvP takes place. Permadeath in hardcore is mostly notable because previously it was believed that hardcore players don't have to worry about it in PvP, but obviously something changed along the line.

It's up to you whether you want to risk hardcore mode at all (though if you want a real taste of hell you should consider it at least). Maybe losing your character would be a good thing too, as it might give you a fresh opportunity to try something new. After all, Blizzard recently shared that the game isn't intended to be played forever, so you'll have to find ways to keep things interesting.

If you didn't get the chance to try out Diablo 4 in either of its recent betas, there's also some good news for you, as Blizzard announced another one is coming in May.

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