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Diablo 3 PS3 will support online and offline trade, new footage released

Diablo 3 won't have an auction house on PlayStation 3, but it will still allow you to trade for specific gear.

A Blizzard official told Polygon that the console release will support both online and offline trading.

"Players can trade using an in-game menu. They just need to be playing in the same game. We should have more details soon," the representative said.

Probably good news, given how reliance on the real-money Auction House has grown.

According to the description, the trailer below shows off console-specific features such as "a reimagined interface, updated camera, direct character control, and enemies tailored specifically for the console", but it kind of looks just like Diablo, you know? Perhaps zoomed in a little, with s slightly different pace.

This our second look at the PlayStation 3 version of Diablo 3 in action. It has not been dated nor priced, but it's also coming to PlayStation 4 sometime after the new console launches in the 2013 holiday period. Blizzard has refused to comment on whether it will appear on other consoles - current or next-gen.

The console release will support up to four-player co-op and has been redesigned for play with a DualShock controller. Game Pad support for PC is not on the table at present. There will be no cross-platform multiplayer with PC.

Watch on YouTube

Thanks, EvilAvatar.

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