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Dark Souls 3: Gravity is the ultimate weapon against invaders

Looking for a new way to deal with invading spirits? Look no further.

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Dark Souls 3: Gravity is the ultimate weapon against invaders

It seems that almost every week there's a new way to troll the crap out of invaders in Dark Souls 3.

This week's effort comes from Lil Yim and involves doing absolutely nothing. Technically.

Thanks to some buggy physics, if you position yourself just so on a ledge, dark spirits won't be able to resist the opportunity to jump over and stick you like a pig with a plunge attack. And it's too bad for them that they'll get stuck in a falling animation and eventually die.

Ranged attackers may be less likely to fall into the trap, but it's a fun way to mess with people in PvP.

The map in the video is the Undead Settlement, between the dilapidated bridge and the Rotton Greatwood boss arena, but you can crouch on any other ledges that look like they fit the bill and see if the bug kicks in.

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