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Capcom: Keep E3 expectations "in check," but DMC a "maybe"

Capcom has said that a new showing of DMC may come at E3, but added that fans of the publisher may want to keep expectations on what to expect for the show to a minimal.

DMC, Ninja Theory's reboot to Devil May Cry, was announced at Tokyo Game Show last September, but was met with a hostile reception from fans over the look of main character Dante. Since last year, it hasn't been seen, but LA sounds like a good time to bring it back, right?

"Maybe, we'll see," Capcom US VP Christian Svensson said in a recent Ask Capcom live-stream. "You're going have to wait and see."

But Svensson insists that there'll be no show-stopping announcements from the publisher at the show, having made those in Miami last month at Captivate. Basically, any expectations from Capcom that you may have? Keep them in line.

"We'd like to probably keep our E3 plans a bit closer to the vest," he said.

"I don't know that we'll be shocking anyone with what we're talking about at E3. Most of our major announcements were made at Captivate. There'll be some light shed on things that we previously announced that we didn't show much of at Captivate, updates for some things we did show at Captivate.

"But keep your expectations in check and everyone will probably come out happy. That doesn't mean that we won't have more things to talk about in the not so distant future, just to set expectations."

Back to Devil May Cry, it's the series' tenth anniversary this year. So is there any plans? Nothing to talk about yet, according to Svennson.

There's a full video of the Ask Capcom session here.

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