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Call of Duty: Modern Warfare has a Tamagotchi that feeds on death

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare developer Infinity Ward's idea of an Easter egg is a take on the popular Tamagotchi pet from the 90s.

Tamagotchi, in case they're before your time, are little watch-like devices that let you take care of a virtual pet. You needed to feed them, dispose of their poop, and make sure to keep them happy.

In Call of Duty: Modern Warfare, wrist watches tell the actual, real-world time of your PC or console. This is a neat addition, and once developers managed to get it in the game, they started coming up with more elaborate ideas of wrist-worn devices.

Rather than go the smart watch route with different fitness-focused trackers, Infinity Ward decided to create Modern Warfare's version of the popular Tamagotchi. The team named it the Tamagunchi, and players can wear it in multiplayer and spec-ops modes.

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"This little thing on your wrist, every time you get a string of kills, it goes, ‘Ya-ta!’ and it makes a little noise, then you look at it, and it evolved out of an egg," art director Joel Emslie - who came up with the idea - told Game Informer as part of the magazine's September cover story.

"Tamagunchis are fed by the player’s performance in multiplayer. It’s just this little active wristwatch thing. If you don’t take care of your Tamagunchi, it will rot and die."

As part of the same cover story, we also learned that Modern Warfare supports dedicated servers.

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare launches October 25 on PC, PS4, and Xbox One.

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