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Watch the first 14 minutes of Borderlands 3

Borderlands 3 basically has the same opening as its predecessors.

Borderlands 3 developer Gearbox has put up the game's opening minutes online for all to watch. The game starts in a similar way to the original Borderlands, as well as Borderlands 2. In that you're being led by Claptrap as basic tutorials pop up.

During these first few minutes, Claptrap makes the usual self-deprecating jokes (though he doesn't sound quite right thanks to a change of the actor playing him), gives you an Echo device, shows you to your first weapon, and changes his tone from condescending to pleading when things go bad.

The footage below, courtesy of IGN, doesn't show the opening cutscene or anything in the way of story, so don't fret. This is purely the first "boss fight" and a small area on Pandora.

Check it out below:

Watch on YouTube

Borderlands 3 is out September 13 on PC, PS4, and Xbox One.

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