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Bioware exec producer tweets “Dragon Age”, rumours fly

Dragon Age. That’s the tweet.

Bioware’s Mark Darrah – executive producer on the high fantasy RPG Dragon Age franchise – has been continuing his fondness of "making cryptic statements to tease fans” by tweeting the two words “Dragon” and “Age” in that order, for probably no reason at all.

Is it nonsense? Or are we about to find out information on the next step in the series?

He seems to be just mucking around for fun, baiting people on Twitter.

However, five years after Dragon Age Inquisition, there have been stirrings around a new game. A teaser was released at last year's Game Awards, and both developer BioWare and publisher Electronic Arts have been pretty open about a new game for quite a while.

Further to that, it’s exactly a week until EA’s own branded "Dr4gon Age Day," which occurs on December 4.

Coincidence? Who knows. All I know is: ‘Dragon Age'

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