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Bethesda confirms Skyrim, Prey 2, RAGE demos for QuakeCon

Bethesda's just announced three demos for QuakeCon featuring Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, RAGE and Prey 2.

Skyrim will be publicly demoed for the first time by Bethesda Game Studios director Todd Howard, while the first public demo also of Prey 2 will see Human Head project lead Chris Reinhart behind the sticks.

The RAGE demo will be given by design director Matt Hooper, with the id shooter also available to play on the showfloor this year for the first time.

Bethesda also confirmed that John Carmack's annual keynote will happen on August 4. Watch as the id techmaster gives the talk that will separate the men from the boys, as the hardcore sit and wait to see if we'll finally get DOOM 4 shown to us at last.

QuakeCon takes place from August 4-7 in Texas.

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