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Battlefield 4 update: did it fix the one-hit kill bug? "yes and no," says DICE

Battlefield 4 received a patch on PC this week that was said to eliminate a notorious one-hit kill bug that has been affecting players since the game launched. Did the update fix the issue? DICE has said, "Yes and no."

It follows our full verdict of Battlefield 4: China Rising on Xbox One. Check it out through the link.

YouTube jackfrags has posted a video of the one-hit kill bug in action, just in case you haven't seen it before. It's potentially more common that you think.

Now, one Reddit user has openly asked if the patch has fixed the issue, to which DICE's lead technical scripter replied, "Yes and No."

They added, "There were two issues. One was an actual OHK (you shoot someone, they die from one bullet). That one was fixed. The other is an issue with how deaths are communicated from server to client, which means you can sometimes appear to die instantly, but whoever shot you still actually shot the appropriate amount of bullets. The fix for this is a server-side fix, and we are looking at getting it out as soon as possible.”

Further on they elaborated on a 300 millisecond lag issue some players had complained about. He explained, "Latency compensation will introduce some delay. There are several more factors than ping when looking at networking, packet loss being the main one. The video appears to show normal values, but his "faked lag" seems to be assymetric so they're a bit off.

"Currently, the big problem is that things go out of sync, not the delay in and of itself. We'll be looking at some options for bringing that down, but it's lower priority than getting the whole gameplay experience to work right."

They concluded in humbly saying, "To be completely fair, there's really no one else to blame than us. Our game, our responsibility."

Do you feel as if you've been one-hit killed in Battlefield 4? If so, let us know below.

Via MP1st.

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