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Ass Creed II boss - "Some juice left in me" for third game


Assassin's Creed is a very buyable game. And what happens to buyable games? They get sequels. And sometimes they get second sequels. And sometimes the developers working on them get so engrossed they're prepared to dump a decade of their careers on one franchise.

"No, not yet," said Patrice Desilets, Assassin's Creed II's creative director, when we asked him if he was ready to move off the IP now the second game is nearing completion.

"I have many different ideas. I'm not ready yet to exploit them. I think I have some juice left in me left to continue this."

Assassin's Creed has long been confirmed as a trilogy, and Desilets told us that change of scenery and opportunity to hone gameplay elements keeps his job fresh.

"I've been doing Assassin's Creed games for the past six years," he said. "It's tough to be bored.

"I was a bit bored with the Turk crusade and the monk aspect, and everything, but in this there's a brand new setting. And it's my first sequel; I never did a sequel before, because I didn't do any Prince of Persia sequels.

"I love the idea of refining your ideas, the gameplay and what you can do with it," he added.

"So I'm not bored yet."

Assassin's Creed II releases on November 20. We doubt you'll be bored of it either.

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