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Agents of Mayhem gameplay footage shows the Saints Row developer's latest work

Volition's new game, Agents of Mayhem, is playable at E3, and footage has begun to emerge.

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Agents of Mayhem gameplay footage shows the Saints Row developer's latest work

The footage above, captured by Gamespot, shows three characters working together in open-world Seoul to defeat a variety of enemies.

You actually play as all three characters, switching between them with the press of a button.

IGN has posted footage as well, along with an interview with the game's writer, Jason Blaire. That's embedded below.

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In a separate interview with IGN, design director Anoop Shekar has confirmed to IGN that Agents of Mayhem is set in the same world as Saints Row.

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Agents of Mayhem is due for release in 2017 on PC, PS4 and Xbox One. It was revealed earlier this month with a cartoon trailer.

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