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Xbox's Phil Spencer says that E3 isn't as good without Sony there

E3 has felt much quieter without Sony there, and the overall effect on the show is not lost on Xbox's Phil Spencer.

Spencer, the executive vice president of gaming at Microsoft, spoke to Giant Bomb during E3, and admitted that the event wasn't as good without their major competitor there.

As noted by, Spencer said during the interview "“I wish Sony was here. E3 is not as good when they’re not here".

Microsoft had a big E3, showcasing over 60 games during their E3 presentation, but E3 has still felt somewhat muted in 2019, and Spencer seems to recognise this.

As PushSquare noted, Spencer believes that E3 is a good time for the industry to come together and show what it is capable of. "We have to stand up as an art form and an industry and explain that we're not just slack-jawed kids in basements swearing at each other and trying to headshot everybody"

He also said that Scarlett will not be the final Xbox console, and that Microsoft's xCloud streaming platform will complement consoles rather than replacing them.

It's likely that Sony will return next year to show off the PS5, although nothing is certain.

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