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Xbox 360 completely sold-out in Japan until next month

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Image credit: VG247

We still don’t believe it either; but thanks to Tales of Vesperia’s hand-over-foot money grabbing techniques, there are no more Xbox 360s on Japanese shelves. None.

Just to drive the point home, Microsoft has released a statement about the newly Xbox-bereft nation, which Kotaku translated:

“Currently, the Xbox 360 is sold out, and retailers are unable to restock their supply,” reads the statement. “This is a result of our own sales targets being exceeded by the actual customer sales. We deeply apologize for this inconvenience to our customers, retailers and business partners.”

Additionally, Microsoft notes that Xboxes of all varieties and flavors will sequentially populate the shelves once September rolls around. Until then, though, Vesperian hopefuls are on their own.

Expect a second statement concerning hell’s scarf shortage in the coming days.

By Nathan Grayson

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