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[Update 3] Watch Dogs Wii U: UK retailers still taking preorders, Ubisoft responds

Watch Dogs Wii U is still open for preorder at UK retailers GAME and Shopto, despite claims that the Nintendo port has been cancelled.

UPDATE: Nintendo has replied to us on the matter. A rep just told me, "I'm afraid we wouldn't be able to comment on a Ubisoft title," which makes sense, but it was worth a shot.

UPDATE 2: A source close to Kotaku has told the site that US GameStops are also cancelling pre-orders of the title. To check, Stephany called three of her local stores and each time was told she could still pre-order the title. If you go to the official website, it is also still listed and will let you pre-order the Wii U version - which she tried as well.

UPDATE 3: GameStop stores in both Italy and the US are claiming the cancellations some customers recieved was just a "glitch in the system," which explains why some of the local stores here in the US had no clue what we were talking about when contacted on the matter. Via CVG.

More as we hear it.

ORIGINAL STORY: It follows claims that the Watch Dogs Wii U preorders are being refunded by GameStop Italy, and that therefore the Nintendo edition has been scrapped.

We were sceptical, so held off on the story before speaking with a few sources of our own. First up, our lock Ubisoft rep replied with a standard, "We have nothing to comment at this stage," response, which is typically reserved for any rumours and shouldn't be taken as a hint of anything. Keen to learn more, we took the matter to a few retail stores.

I called around two GAME stores here in Edinburgh. Both stores had heard nothing regarding the Watch Dogs Wii U cancellation, and they even tested out the preorder SKU to see if the system was still accepting orders. It did.

Next, I called Shopto to see if there was any truth to the cancellation rumours, and a rep explained that orders were still being taken, the chain had heard nothing about the Wii U edition being scrapped and all the only thing they had heard recently was, "just the delay," which is already well-documented.

We're also waiting to hear from Nintendo. Stay tuned.

So make of this what you will. It could be cancelled and Ubisoft is yet to confirm the matter, or it's just another wild rumour.

What do you think?

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